Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Obesity again - again

Childhood obesity has become a much more serious health problem than we want to admit.

Look at the news about the 200 pound 8-year-old in England who made international news. It was such a serious problem that the British agencies held a hearing to determine if the child should remain with his mother. It was considered a case of abuse/neglect.

We think of abuse/neglect as severe punishment or locking kids in closets - but it will only be a matter of time before obesity is on the list of what is considered neglect on the part of parents here and elsewhere.

No government wants to start removing children to foster care due to obesity - but we as a culture have to look out for children - society has an interest in its children...and obesity is shortening lifespans - isn't that abusive?

What's your take on it?

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