Thursday, July 06, 2006


I have been reading of kids and water - the lake, pool and river types of water. They do not mix well. Please make sure your kids have PFD's on when near water - even shallow water can be dangerous. Also rivers are still pretty cold even though they are inviting as temperatures soar.

I grew up going to the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean and we were taught to have great respect for that water and we all had "rules" which we seemed to abide by....buddy systems, adult supervision and many well trained lifeguards. I think we all saw so many "others" pulled from the ocean - we knew it could be dangerous. Maybe rivers look less scary - but they too have strong currents and quirks that can pull even the best swimmers under.

So teach your children to swim, have respect for water of all sorts and have them wear PFD's just like they put seat belts and helmets on when in cars or on bikes.....

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